



Today, Hangzhou Heyiwei product will show you a very magical daily necessities: cotton soft towels. As a professional manufacturer of cotton soft towels. We know everything about cotton soft towels. First of all, let's understand what are the soft tissues and cotton soft tissues used by babies?


婴儿纯棉柔软毛巾主要用于给婴儿清洁。 由于纯棉柔软毛巾的天然健康和柔软质地,所以非常适合给宝宝清洁身体。同时棉柔巾可干湿两用。 用温水沾湿后可以擦宝宝的口水,擦小手,还能清洗宝宝的屁股和宝宝的玩具。在日常带娃过程中可谓是使用频率非常高

Baby cotton soft towels are mainly used to clean babies. Due to the natural health and soft texture of the cotton soft towel, it is very suitable for cleaning the baby's body. At the same time, cotton soft towels can be used for both dry and wet purposes. After moistening with warm water, you can wipe your baby's saliva, wipe your hands, and wash your baby's butt and baby's toys. It can be said that the frequency of use is very high in the daily process of bringing a baby


In addition to using for babies, what other magical uses does the cotton soft towel have?

  1. 当作化妆棉使用。棉纤维的中空多孔结构具有很强的吸水性和释放性,非常适合制作棉花和卸妆液。 化妆时,用棉质柔软的毛巾蘸取乳液,即可轻松上妆,并且还非常省化妆油; 同样的卸妆时擦脸,亲肤柔软,搓揉肌肤无刺激,不易引起过敏。

    1. Use as a cotton pad. The hollow porous structure of cotton fiber has strong water absorption and release properties, which is very suitable for making cotton and makeup remover. When applying makeup, use a soft cotton towel to dip in the lotion, you can easily apply makeup, and it is also very oil-saving; the same way when removing makeup, it is skin-friendly and soft, rubs the skin without irritation, and is not easy to cause allergies.

2. 作为简易的过滤滤布。棉柔巾100%纯棉制成。致密的排布让它的过滤效果也非常好。日常作为滤网使用,干净又卫生。甚至可以作为滤茶袋、药材袋。可以用柔软的棉毛巾将茶叶包起来,可以过滤掉大颗粒的杂质。过滤下来的就是干净的茶饮或者中药饮剂了。 .

2. As a simple filter cloth. The cotton soft towel is made of 100% cotton. The dense arrangement makes its filtering effect also very good. Daily use as a filter, clean and hygienic. It can even be used as a tea filter bag or a medicinal material bag. You can wrap the tea leaves with a soft cotton towel to filter out large particles of impurities. What is filtered is clean tea or Chinese medicine. .


3. It can be used as an emergency mask. Face masks are in short supply during the epidemic. You can stack two soft cotton towels together with a stapler to fix two rubber bands, so that an emergency mask is completed, but this can only be used as an emergency. Remember not to replace it for a long time

4.培育花卉种子。种子可在湿棉软毛巾上栽培,特别适合水培栽培。 只需将长出的种子与棉质柔软的毛巾一起放入营养液中即可。

4. Cultivate flower seeds. The seeds can be cultivated on wet cotton soft towels, which are especially suitable for hydroponic cultivation. Just put the grown seeds and a soft cotton towel into the nutrient solution.

5.伤口的紧急处理。如果在户外不小心划伤了皮肤,又一时间找不到创可贴,可以使用纯棉柔来止血使用! 纯棉柔软毛巾在医疗级环保车间生产。 消毒后,它们可以减少伤口感染,是伤口护理的好选择。

5. Emergency treatment of wounds. If you accidentally scratch your skin outdoors and you cannot find a band-aid for a while, you can use pure cotton soft to stop bleeding! Pure cotton soft towels are produced in medical-grade environmental protection workshops. After disinfection, they can reduce wound infections and are a good choice for wound care.


杭州禾壹卫品科技有限公司是专业生产棉柔巾的厂家,可以根据您的需求oem代工生产各类棉柔巾产品。欢迎您电话咨询:15397152588 (陈经理)

It seems that cotton soft towels really have a lot of magical uses! Presumably, when the cotton soft towel manufacturers produced it, they never thought that simple cotton soft towels and face wash towels could be used in so many scenarios. So we have to say: As long as you are willing to use your brain, you can use cotton soft towels everywhere!

Hangzhou Heyiweipin Technology Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer specializing in the production of cotton soft towels, and can produce all kinds of cotton soft towels according to your needs. You are welcome to call: 15397152588 (Manager Chen)